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Die Juristische Fakultät der Nationalen Universität „Mohyla-Akademie Kiew“ und
die Schule des Deutschen Rechts der Universitäten Heidelberg, Mainz und Krakau
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD)
L A D E N E I N zur Teilnahme an der
S o m m e r s c h u l e „ R e c h t i n D e u t s c h l a n d“ in Kiew
Termin der Sommerschule 2011: 20. Juni – 8. Juli
Die seit 200 7 veranstaltete Sommerschule richtet sich an Personen, welche das Rechtssystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kennenlernen wollen. Zur Bewerbung um die Teilnahme an der Sommerschule sind Dozenten, Doktoranden/Aspiranten und fortgeschrittene Studenten der Rechtswissenschaften aus der Ukraine und ihren Nachbarländern eingeladen .
Since the language of the summer school is German language skills are required to participate at least at the intermediate level.
The summer school takes place at the National University "Kyiv Mohyla Academy" takes place.
During the first week, participants received a course of German legal terminology is offered. The next two weeks are the lessons of the German and European law dedicated. The courses are taught by teachers of the school of the German law of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Jagiellonian University of Krakow and the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.
Successful graduates of the final exam receive a certificate.
The completion of the summer school is free of charge. The cost of travel, accommodation and meals must be paid by participants. In special cases, selected participants who do not live in Kiev, a part of the cost of travel (up to the price of train ticket in the Ukraine) and accommodation will be refunded.
To participate in the following application documents submitted by e-mail:
The summer school takes place at the National University "Kyiv Mohyla Academy" takes place.
During the first week, participants received a course of German legal terminology is offered. The next two weeks are the lessons of the German and European law dedicated. The courses are taught by teachers of the school of the German law of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Jagiellonian University of Krakow and the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.
Successful graduates of the final exam receive a certificate.
The completion of the summer school is free of charge. The cost of travel, accommodation and meals must be paid by participants. In special cases, selected participants who do not live in Kiev, a part of the cost of travel (up to the price of train ticket in the Ukraine) and accommodation will be refunded.
To participate in the following application documents submitted by e-mail:
first CV in German;
second application form (in German) ;
third Cover letter with reasons in German;
4th Scan as: letter of recommendation of a university law lecturers or law-German Lector (for doctoral students) - in German or Ukrainian or English or Russian;
5th as scan: study book or proof of the notes of the last two academic years (for PhD students and students) / certificate of participation in the doctoral degree (for PhD) / instruments of the scientific degree (Doctor of Law)
second application form (in German) ;
third Cover letter with reasons in German;
4th Scan as: letter of recommendation of a university law lecturers or law-German Lector (for doctoral students) - in German or Ukrainian or English or Russian;
5th as scan: study book or proof of the notes of the last two academic years (for PhD students and students) / certificate of participation in the doctoral degree (for PhD) / instruments of the scientific degree (Doctor of Law)
Applications are to 31 . Mai entgegengenommen.
Zur Klärung von Fragen zur Bewerbung werden gegebenenfalls mit Kandidaten Telefongespräche geführt werden.
Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbungen an: lawschool[at]ukma.kiev.ua
Telefon: (++38044) 425-60-73, Fax: (++38044) 463-71-09
Ansprechpartnerin (auf Ukrainisch und Russisch): Ljudmyla Wasyliwna Kosenko
Anfragen auf Deutsch bitte an: Dr. Ulrich Ernst: ulrich.ernst[at]uj.edu.pl
Zur Klärung von Fragen zur Bewerbung werden gegebenenfalls mit Kandidaten Telefongespräche geführt werden.
Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbungen an: lawschool[at]ukma.kiev.ua
Telefon: (++38044) 425-60-73, Fax: (++38044) 463-71-09
Ansprechpartnerin (auf Ukrainisch und Russisch): Ljudmyla Wasyliwna Kosenko
Anfragen auf Deutsch bitte an: Dr. Ulrich Ernst: ulrich.ernst[at]uj.edu.pl