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Faculty of law National Science University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy »
and German Law School, founded Heidelberg University, University of Mainz and
Jagiellonian University,
jointly with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
W A P R O F C T S T b to participate in summer school "RIGHT IN GERMANY»
June 20 - 08 July 2011, Kiev
Summer School, held annually in Ukraine since 2007, is designed for individuals who are interested in studying the legal systems of the Federal Republic of Germany. To participate in the Summer School invited lecturers, postgraduates and students of higher legal education and legal faculties of universities in Ukraine and neighboring countries ( Winners ).
Due to the fact that the working language is German Summer School, participants are requested her level of not lower than Mittelstufe. Summer school is held at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. During the first week
participants course will be offered to improve the German language for lawyers. The next two weeks will be devoted to the study of European and German law. Classes will be conducted by professors and lecturers of the University of Heidelberg, the University of Mainz (Germany) and the Institute of German Law Ягеллонського університету (Краків, Польща).
Після закінчення Літньої школи, за умови успішного складання підсумкового іспиту, видається Сертифікат.
Participation in the Summer School is free. Travel, accommodation and meals are carried out are covered by participants of Summer school or organization that they were sent. In some cases, on the basis of a possible reimbursement for travel (by train through Ukraine) and accommodation for participants who live outside of Kyiv.
to participate in the competitive selection for study in the Summer School for hromadan Ukraine should submit the following documents:
- CV - Ukrainian language
- Questionnaire (German);
- Two motivational letter:
- Ukrainian and German; - One letter of recommendation from a teacher of law (For students);
- certified copy: record book or certificate of evaluation for the last two years (for students); instrument of law degree (for senior lecturers and assistants); diploma degree (for candidates). Copies assure seal universities in which the student is working candidate to attend summer school.
If necessary, the candidates can be conducted telephone interview.
submission of documents and advice at:
Ukraine, 04655, Kyiv,
Street. Skovorody 2
National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy »,
Faculty of juridical sciences
Summer School" Law in Germany "
Email: lawschool@ukma.kiev.ua
Phone: (+ +38044) 425-60-73, phone / fax: (+ +38044) 463-71-09
Контактна особа: Косенко Людмила Василівна.
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