Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fire Red Cheats For Emulator

Endlich wieder ! Swim

Today I'm with Papa and Mama down spontaneously in the sun Lutzmannsburg . Is not far from us. And I love the water. It was as expected a lot going on - clear: there are holidays. This can be seen immediately. The completely haphazard Papa then found after a short but still grumble free chairs for us and then we went into the water already .... Yay!

I also like my new wetsuit worn. A comfortable material that keeps you warm and somehow my parents but it is better if I do not look at all the belly .....

The newly procured, waterproof plaster for the button was unfortunately not completely waterproof. Vielleicht hat der eine oder andere von euch da einen Tip für uns. Das Wasser an sich würde überhaupt nichts machen, es geht eher um die Keime. Egal, wir hatten trotzdem unseren Spass. Nur Essen wollte ich in der Kantine so überhaupt nichts.

Nach vier Stunden hat´s uns drei gereicht und wir sind ab nach Hause. Und weil wir niemanden von unserem Thermenplan erzählt haben, sind wir schon von unseren Lieben vermisst worden.... Ist ja auch verdächtig: alle drei nicht zu hause ;) Nein, Sorgen hättet ihr euch nicht machen müssen...
Das nächste Mal denken wir daran - versprochen!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Men Who Are Unorganized

~ ~ And over! ~ ~ Merry Christmas

No binge, no stress - not before during which not. Wonderful. Not that there was nothing to eat but there were just no good feast.

On Christmas Day was working my friend and I got the chance for a day used in the kitchen. Actually I only wanted a pumpkin-coconut soup and cook for my brother before anything else. What was once normal is now indeed a sensation, at least for me. I have to first time in my life boiled down, really in this wake-up glasses, and had fun. So next came the pumpkin and coconut soup or a Harira to and chocolate cake in the glass. Ok, had I known that my family are all not like chocolate cake, baked, I would have something else - if I say but never :-). So it was that next to my brother and my parents now have a few glasses of soup and a chocolate cake (yes we pay nothing :-). There may indeed come a rainy day.

took the rest of the day in the sunshine for a walk along the Rhine. The Good expands every day a little more and I think this is very exciting times, when all the snow melts. hold in any case, the one in pictures. Who knows when we will see in our part of the twice as much white.

in the sense a beautiful years remaining time.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Homemade Boxing Or Mma Gyms

- even with flowers moon ~ ~ ~ very

And oh, I think the so heartwarming, I wish you all a Christmas in this way it sees fit.

first a little story and then another song. "Read" Until we determine slip again.

It was a long time ago, just before Christmas, when Santa wanted to make their way to their annual trip, but met only on problems. Four of his elves

celebrated ill Backup and elves came with the toy production to not. Santa began to feel the pressure already, he would have if he should fall behind schedule. Then his wife told him that her mother had been announced for a visit.

The mother has been missing for poor Christmas just yet. When he went outside to like putting the reindeer, he noted that 3 of them were pregnant and two had made from the dust, heaven knows where. What a disaster!

Then he started the slide to load, but broke one of the boards and the toy bag fell so down that most toys were scratched - Shit!

was so frustrated, Santa into the house to make a cup of hot tea and a shot of rum. However, he found that the elves had drank all the booze. In his anger he slipped even the cup from his hands and shattered into a thousand little pieces, spread all over the kitchen floor.

's course was now trouble with his wife. When he still had to also find that mice had nibbled his Christmas fruitcake, he was almost bursting with rage.

As the bell rang at the door. He opened and there stood a little angel with a huge Christmas tree. The angel said very cautious: "Merry Christmas Santa! Is not it a beautiful day. I've got a nice Christmas tree for you. Where do I put the hinstecken then?

And so the tradition with the little angel on the Christmas peak started

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Something To Write In A Card For Boss B Day


the gift of terror, we are now thankfully escaped. No gifts in the family, no gifts between my best and me. There remain a few good friends I WANT gift. Frollein and inspired by Holle and a completely free 3 Advent then I am the one to search for jars and made to the other preserving a few things.

come in my package:
  • a Christmas jam - referred Adventzauber
  • a pepper jam , which is certainly not meant for bread rather than cold or warm as a sauce garnish possible for animal suffering-free: -) products is to be taken
  • an orange mustard (I personally found most exciting, because I've never even made mustard) and
  • a herbal salt to Schuhbeck.

the first package I got yesterday handed and one is already in the mail and that all are served, read my blog, I can now also post the picture. Is now a little late but maybe I can send a little Christmas-it-yourself-Insipration over the network in the world. The money for the "normal" gifts flowed in this year we have needed in channels for people on the basics.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pilladas En La Calle Sara Gratis

~ ~ Lupin meets Pak Choi's Christmas greeting from the kitchen

running I can not YET but cooking is already good.

For all friends of lupines I have the time now processed in an Asian dish.
ingredients (2 or 4 hungry for a main course with dessert first and)

  • 300g Lupinengeschnetzeltes
  • 1 Pak Choi
  • 1 großen Kräuterseitling
  • 1 rote Paprika
  • 1 Zwiebel
  • 2 Möhren (ich hab hier die Purple Haze verwendet, komm ich gleich noch mal drauf zu sprechen)
  • 1 rote Peperoni
  • 1 Zwiebel
  • 1 Stück Ingwer - je nach Dicke 2-4 cm
  • 3 EL Sojasauce
  • 1 EL Balsamicoessig
  • 4 TL Agavendicksaft
  • 2 EL Rotwein
  • 1 EL Speisestärke
  • Curry
  • Erdnussöl

Den Pak Choi waschen - das Grüne abschneiden und in Streifen , Cut into pieces cut styles - separate. Peppers into strips, dice the onion, ginger tiny cut or scrape, cut into cubes and oyster mushroom, carrots into thin slices.

Heat oil in a wok and fry the Lupinengeschnetzelte crisp and then remove from the pan and place on side. Add onion to the pan (possibly stoking oil) fry until soft, then paprika, pak-choi stems, mushroom, carrots and ginger into the wok and fry for a few minutes so that the vegetables are still crunchy. Then add the leaves and sprinkle with the mixture of soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, wine, agave syrup and cornstarch. The Lupinengeschnetzelte again objected, and briefly heat - season with curry.

serve everything with rice. Yummy!

PS: One of the carrots. "Man" says that Purple Haze the ancient sort of carrots. In any case, it looks very pretty, very aromatic and is said to contain more nutrients than the completely orange carrot that is good result of crossing to the 17th century to pay homage to the Dutch royal house. The Dutch .. what to say.

The carrot is best not peeled but "scrubbed" so that they remain in the food looks so beautiful.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gardening Company Slogans

~ ~ ~

the times are still small in aggregate. Sometimes the results are a bit dated - but so does nothing, only I know - that really. ;-))

But I start with the most current one. Today was my weekly organic subscription box - included: radicchio ('s too bitter), black root (because I'm unimaginative), oyster mushrooms (fungi-containing), Pak Choy (ok, I can live with) and various fruit Puh ! And then Eva comes with great ideas around the corner. So it was with me today dumplings (which I wanted to do forever times) with a ragout of oyster mushrooms and oats cream . Absence of previously collected white bread I have whole wheat toast his determination übergeben, trocken geröstet und in Würfel geschnitten (100g). Das Ganze wurde mit 125ml Sojamilch übergossen, mit Salz gewürzt, mit einer halb Zwiebel (gehackt und gebraten) sowie Petersilie gemischt. Zum Binden hab ich auf Rücksicht auf die Hühnerwelt etwas Mehl dazu getan und dann das Ganze in einer Klarfolie zu einer Wurst geformt. In Alufolie noch mal verpackt und 30 Minuten in heißem Wasser gekocht.

Die Austernpilze wurden recht unaufgeregt mit Zwiebeln angebraten, mit Salz, Pfeffer und Paprika gewürzt und dann mit Hafersahne abgelöscht. Sehr fix das Ganze und sehr, sehr lecker. Danke Eva, super Idee. Das Schöne ist, dass ich für morgen noch nen halben Serviettenknödel hab und auch or oyster mushrooms. Then the slices are fried dumplings and described simply as the rest.

From my subscription of Bio-last week a white cabbage was represented. Since I do not really fit, had to go that fast and I have this really wonderful recipe for a coleslaw opened. In addition I have me then for the first time soy goulash made. Even a fast recipe that I had found. I must say that I - even though finished products (hello, Mother Holle) were processed - was really impressed. And yes, I believe that most of the test of Mr. Esser Moschinski have not recognized that it is not a meat stew concerns. Not that, but the experiment has driven about me ... oh what I read here ... There will be critics before again. ;-))

Then there was a while ago, yet the next recipe on the journey through Morocco in the cookbook world food café, namely a Quarzazate-couscous. The recipe unspectacular so far in the book. But I took the photo and now it pure. ;-))) The amount of vegetables for 4 people I was once very ambitious - in the end there were at least 8 people I'm getting so tired. Fortunately, there are always willing colleagues. Either I've read the recipe wrong or have missed writing down.

Oh, and then at an output I've never seen that. At the moment it is pretty icy, slick, and I'm only short trips "daring". But a little exercise and fresh air had to be and when you will be rewarded. I'm already looking forward'm running but in view of the road holding just not unhappy that I did not "need".

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can You Have A Pet Platypus In Tn


Just a few days ago was sitting at the computer (and still is) a bit difficult so I had little desire to write a status report. So .... my hernia is repaired. Juhuuu!

Thursday it was ready and there's really not much to report. I found funny - because we on the outward journey I was allowed to select the correct page with a pen - still made jokes about it. So the doctors have found the right bar. I would in fact nothing more to say about it, because I was unprepared already on injection of the sedative into deep sleep. The next thing I saw were festively decorated walls in the recovery room.

I've made my decision not for outpatient surgery, but am one days left in the hospital, which mEn the right decision. The pain of the first steps, etc., are already without and even if I needed any help, it was just good to know that they had been there.

Abends kam mein Bester mit einem lecker Linsensüppchen aus dem Souppresso  vorbei und im Krankenhaus gab es diesen sehr nett gefüllten Teller zum Abendessen. Juht, oder?

Seit Freitag bin ich zu Hause und die Schmerzen werden deutlich besser. Wie angekündigt, macht das normale Sitzen auf einem Stuhl die meisten Probleme, während das Gehen und Liegen seit gestern Nachmittag richtig gut ist. Niesen, Husten und Lachen unterdrücke ich, soweit es geht.

So... das war es von der Krankenfront. In ca. 2 Wochen wird dann nur noch übers Laufen geschrieben. ;-)