Sunday, January 30, 2011

Guys Getting Themselves Off

A little running, a bit of baking, a little cooking ~ ~

Should I write that my King is THE weather? No ... everyone knows, right?

Hochwasserüberbleibsel The photo can be seen (click on the photo). I was surprised that everything was cleaned already so, and then looked at some point two containers full of high water waste. The residents were probably busy, the city has no money. Thank you dear neighbors!

It was baked - the fellow should get birthday cake, timely ... Last year I slept through it. From Kim Veganwonderlands book was baked the "dear-darling-chocolate cake" and "- Premiere mich - Cupcakes, nämlich "Cocos-Hawaii-Passion-Cupcakes" sowie "Pistazian-Marzipan-Cupcakes" - beides strenge Diätkuchen. Ich bin eher so der Koch- und weniger der Backtyp, darum war ich auch einigermaßen aufgeregt bezüglich der Frostings auf den Muffins. Ich habs auf den Fotos festgehalten, dass es mir einigermaßen gelungen ist. Jetzt hoffe ich nur, dass die Dinger auch morgen früh noch so aussehen. Außerdem gibt es noch Nussecken, ein Uralt-Rezept aus meinem früheren Leben, das ich jetzt mal veganisiert habe. Es ist jetzt nicht so die hohe Kunst, vegane Nussecken zu backen. Trotzdem - falls jemand das Rezepte haben möchte, nur melden, dann poste ich es noch.

And right then there is a Chinese Gemüsewok with wild rice - from my favorite cookbook Word Food Café - I must not shoot well, a wok full of delicious vegetables can imagine most everyone. :-)

Is this a good Sunday or is this a good Sunday?

Edit: Especially for Sapsi - here is the photo of the dinner. The original recipe is with asparagus (non jibbet now) and small corn on the cob (which I get from the bio-environment is not). It is much ginger and chilli in it, which made spicy. It was to catch my worth.

Edit2: Recipe Vegan Nut corners:

  • 250g flour
  • 100g cane sugar
  • 100g margarine (Alsan)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons egg substitute plus water
  • 150g margarine (Alsan )
  • 150g cane sugar
  • 250g chopped hazelnuts
  • 50g chopped almonds
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 / 2 cup apricot jam
  • 1 / 2 block chocolate
From the above ingredients into a pastry manufacture, while egg substitute , beat sugar and margarine until fluffy, then flour and baking powder to to mix. Roll out the dough directly on the greased baking baking sheet.

The whole spread on the jam.

the remaining ingredients in a saucepan until the sugar has dissolved and spread over the jam.

all together in 20 minutes at 180-200 ° bake and let cool. Cut everything into small corners and dip them into chocolate - the best to hide from your colleagues, or all is gone quickly. :-) The recipe is only suitable for small walnut corner, would be great for the entire structure to be thin.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cakes Plus Naperville


on Green Grey Yellow I've discovered something really nice. A blog
flower parade (the website is presented as an abstract flower HTML) - HERE you can see how it's done. And because Mom has really managed to grow a flower, we are participating in the blog Flower Parade. Just the lessons for the spring longing .....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

H4 Headlight Bulb Common Terminal


Here are my new glasses:

Aunt Jenny has she picked up extra early as Monday and brought to me. This time it is a Zeiss. The glasses fit perfectly - does not slip and therefore I am willing to since even the wearing of glasses. The glasses have also been replaced immediately. I have also left 2 diopters - right now 5th
Fesch not! ;)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can Raspberry Tea Cause Premature Labour

Juhuuuu! ich darf reiten...

Today I went with Mom, Grandma and Grandpa Wilma Hans am Sterntalerhof in Loipersdorf-Kitzladen. Der Sterntalerhof ist einzigartig in Österreich. Er ist in erster Linie Kinderhospiz, Raststelle für Familien mit schwerkranken oder behinderten Kindern. Eine unglaublich tolle Einrichtung - die ganz in unserer Nähe ist. Am Sterntalerhof wird sehr viel mit Pferden gearbeitet. Deshalb hat Mama vor kurzem angefragt, ob auch eine ambulante Reittherapie möglich wäre. 
Lisa Graschopf (Sonder- und Heilpädagogin, HPV-Therapeutin) hat uns gleich zu einem Gespräch eingeladen. Gemeinsam mit dem Gründer des Vereins Peter Kai gab es ein sehr ausführliches, einfühlsames Gespräch.
Die Erwachsenen waren sich einig: Ja, wir wollen es versuchen. Das letzte Wort werde natürlich ich haben. Heute habe ich schon das Shetlandpony Rosi und den Irish Tinker Benjamin kennenlernen dürfen. Zwei ganz ruhige, sensible Tiere. Mhm... Jetzt haben sie mich auf jeden Fall neugierig gemacht auf mehr. Ich werde weiter berichten ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Which Countries Are Brownies

Little Paradise ~ ~ The North ~

I need and can eat away more often. This is sometimes beautiful and sometimes not. I think any "commercial travelers" know how valuable your own bed and your own dining table. Now I am even with my diet yet another challenge and I can see that give the restaurants in most cases much trouble if you give them the opportunity. I even have the impression that one is always open-minded. Whether this is due to the media, which are now reporting increased in recent months about vegetarian nutrition and - as I read it at the moment more often - now is "in" or whether it is because of my questioning techniques that the restaurants will help the right thing to hiss me. Whatever the case ... it works.

But nevertheless it is still the best, if you can find a vegetarian or vegan restaurant and you just may order from the card without having to explain large. My trip to Hamburg in the last few days gave me the opportunity to try such a restaurant and am also still meet with a "spirit companion".

Almost in hand reach my hotel, I found among others the "Piccolo Paradiso " - a vegetarian restaurant oriented wine - and a table reserved by phone. When asked how I had ever come to their restaurant (I love it when people understand their job), I said good, that I had encountered in search of a vegan restaurant on her way - Internet halt.

On arrival at the place I was right happy "is true Oh, you will want to eat vegan, right?" With welcomed (I love it when people understand their job) and we were struck a mixed plate of tapas, mezze, antipasti and I am glad that we have struck. The cell phone image is unfortunately far from being back. Every little thing in itself was seasoned great, we had always vegan other flavors over the Brussels sprouts in sesame carrots in cinnamon, chickpea salad, etc. These Chivapchichi delicious sesame bread with spread ... Chianti Riserva, which I had chosen to do this was also excellent.

Das Restaurant ist sehr gemütlich und warm eingerichtet und die Inhaber des Lokals kamen auf einen kurzen aber nicht aufdringlichen Schwatz vorabei (ich liebe es, wenn Menschen ihr Handwerk verstehen) und so war es zusammen mit der netten Begleitung ein perfekter Abend.

Die Kollegen, die ich anschließend noch in einer Pizzeria um die Ecke abholte konnte ich aufgrund des traurigen Anblicks ihres Essen nur bedauern, was ich ihnen aber wohlwissend verschwieg.

Dass ich am nächsten Morgen noch die Landungsbrücken, den Hafen und den Michel vor dem Frühstück laufend bestaunen durfte, war ein zusätzliches Geschenk und versöhnt mit der Reiserei.

Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Besuch in Hamburg. :-))

Old Man Breats Feeding


Jetzt haben wir doch glatt unseren ersten Bloggerjahrestag vergessen! Am 10. Jänner 2010 hat Mama den allerersten Post eingestellt. Eigentlich  waren sich meine Eltern damals gar nicht sicher, ob sie die Zeit aufbringen können um einen Blog zu führen. Und ob sich überhaupt irgendjemand für meine Geschichte interessiert....

And now, a year later we have had almost 12,000 visitors to my site. And we look forward to every one of you! My parents will be addressed again and again on my blog. My former therapist look at and stopped to read how to do it to me. Good friends, old acquaintances, many "unknown ".... There are many beautiful and valuable friendships formed in the Blogger world

My parents are always amazed at how many people are well informed about me,.) And how open people deal with me with us home. Perhaps it is also a piece much merit of this blog. As readers know how my parents deal with my disability. That you love us "straight" can ask a question. And I want to share out to the world because - hold on my way. And who takes the time and spend a few minutes decides to tell me, who may be lucky that I pay back this time with an infectious laugh and my crazy good mood ....

Phone Signaturescell Phone Signaturesc

plitsch, platsch

today I have flooded the living room;)

Mama says that is really great for me. Not the flooding - but the "game". Because I almost see the difference between cold and warm feel. So now it shows you what we have thought about this yet .....

Now I know this game so ..... Mama is a bowl of cold water (colored with blue color) and a bowl of warm water (red) in front of me. I like this try. Splashing. push away the cold water - water exchange. And if Mama is not paying attention well, so then I get even, that I tip over the bowl.
finds it not funny. Mhmm

This week we have had twice tried to "expand" the whole. Mama shall first on the Step-by-Step a message. And while, "Mom can you tell me please dry your hands." And then she asks me the Step by Step with the two water bowls on the table. I can splash and slide. And when I press the Step by Step - even then my hands are dry. I find this not at all funny. But somehow, the buttons but his appeal. And I 've always geraunzt when mom said: "Again I want you to dry your hands Yes, you!" I think a little gloating was there too! Over time, I've already noticed but me and hold less and less. Mama, I'm willing to learn! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Partial Brazilian Vs Brazilian

Gestern Abend ein wunderbares Abendessen mit einem netten Menschen. Heute früh Landungsbrücken, Michel und Hafen schon vor dem Frühstück. Jetzt kann ich auch wieder arbeiten. Hamburg ist toll.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pokemon Frigo Returns Rom Kostenlos

grosses Lob in der Sehschule

I again had the annual inspection of visual training in Graz. There I always maintained a very dear orthoptist that this time I was really blessed.

an increased visual interest I have is compared to the previous year results. Is to say: I look after the same things, grab things for me to show just keep eye contact and I am much attention. My parents are huge I proud of myself! For me, this is a very big deal. Not only that I'm short-sighted (in the right eye even 5 diopters) - my really big handicap is the optic atrophy and a Sehverarbeitungsstörung. Only a year ago it was in fact absolutely not a given that I this silent, black / white doll (which keeps me the Orthoptist's nose) look.

Sure, Mom and Dad have noticed that I now better see my setting. If you get the confirmation but that does really well. As will also enjoy Diestl Irene - my Sehfrühförderin of Contrast club. Because she has a very big part in it that I am getting better! Mama has taken

then another regulation bill for a new spectacle. The right is a correction of the diopter, and then I get yet a new spectacle frame. The MiraFlex glasses is very flexible, but slipped through the rubber band behind them constantly. And I find quite annoying. We'll see if what niklas-grade can be found at the optician .....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Neutral Wall Color With Cherry Floor

~ ~ crickets prohibited

Heute ist Grillen verboten.

An Weihnachten war Grillen verboten.

Und im Sommer, wenn der Rhein sich wieder in sein Bett verkrochen hat, wird es wohl auch noch so sein.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Knex Instructions Du Free Fall Coaster


Because I do not sleep well lately, and more and more myoclonus did, we were now in the hospital for Mödling EEG . This time with Dad - Mom says, is that they demand so much easier.

These EEG recordings are always quite bland. I can sit quietly and wait .... But today I have an extra contribution has fallen particularly well. Flashing lights everywhere. Especially for me. No question: there must be laughing into the camera:) This camera flashes no end has found. And I smile, laugh, kudere .... without end
Funny, Mom and Dad have found the super funny that I thought the star of this thing. Well, who else? (Dad was then told that is a strobe )

Dr. Hauser, the EEG has the same views and talked to my parents. EEG unchanged. Hmm. anyway I can sleep so bad and I am very frightened by sudden loud noises.
will therefore increase the drug Keppra. And in a month, we again have control (EEG and blood collection). Hopefully then this sweet giant pig on the floor .....

Monday, January 10, 2011

How Does Sun Compare To Other Stars


Since a good week I can get back to sleep a lot worse. I am restless, moaning, crying ... It ends at 22:00 then mostly in the large bed of mom and dad. With a satisfied, albeit very tired Niklas;) Only my parents think of this phase as anything. Grandpa says Hans, I wrap the two just so around her finger ... or walk me not really good?

Why now suddenly out of the blue do not sleep well, nobody knows. When my osteopath I already was. My blood levels were also checked. The AEDs (Topamax) is definitely in the upper area of \u200b\u200beffect. On Thursday again recorded an EEG. We'll see what comes out there.

Next week, Mama identified for safety reasons also make an appointment with Dr. Schell (my Homeopath). Maybe they knew what could

Or I just was not busy - so without kindergarten? This will show the next week. Today I am definitely calmer times and fell asleep in my bed .....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Estrogen Level In Yaz

So macht das Haare föhnen sogar Spaß

Santa Claus this year was very, very good and has brought me lots of things to support communication. So many new things - endless possibilities. With a button and some other accessories I can determine control.

For example, I can blow dry the hair;)
It gives me great pleasure to determine the pace and master of the hair dryer to be. I have plenty of time ....

What you need to?
- a hair dryer
- a Powerlink
- a key (eg the Jelly Bean)
- a shame holding the hair dryer;)

and then we are going to go blow dry the hair.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Swollen Lymph Nodes Back Of Neck Infants

The positive in negatives ~ ~ ~ How can

Kennt Ihr, oder? Bei jedem Negativen gibt es etwas Positives.

Nun werden gerade masses of animals culled "because they were fed food that the food chain at some point so important in humans. I could, the animal probably lived too short as it ever damaged but man possibly ...

as yesterday then the justification " We lightly were the erroneous assumption that the mixed fatty acid that accumulates in the production of biodiesel from palm oil, soybean oil and rapeseed oil, is suitable for feed production" was broadcast on the radio, I was sitting, according to laughing behind the wheel (little crazy woman in a white great car ... if someone saw me :-)).

It sounds not even by a guilty conscience, that one is using cheap waste in order to introduce them into the food chain.

And who's to blame? Anyone who eats meat cheap, everybody wants to have, the cheapest food. Man guys, we're the consumer to control it. As long as we do have the cheapest pork, the cheapest and the cheapest milk egg, it will always be these dubious things.

We decide on the "fuel" we give to our engine, so that it runs smoothly.

Yes and the positive in the negative is that I was yesterday raised by quite a few people / colleagues that my life was probably not that wrong. I'm doing here now is not about my personal popularity - I do anyway, what I want and there are certainly many more who think I was crazy as those who think that this is good, what I do. But .... It is thought about it and yes ... Just think about it, eat less meat and the money you put in savings as high-quality local vegetables / unprocessed products. It's really that simple.

PS: Yes, I know that there are black sheep in the organic foods ... yes ... they're everywhere, where money is made. Aber das Risiko ist doch mal deutlich kleiner.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fake Receipt For An Abortion

I ... ~ ~

Die automatische Vervollständigung der Google-Suche kann einen schon ganz schön philosophisch werden lassen.

Hier die Vorschlagsliste:

Wie kann ich ...

... schnell abnehmen
... zunehmen
... abnehmen
... ihn vergessen
... kotzen
... länger
... wachsen
... schnell geld verdienen
... mich bei facebook löschen
... meine ip ändern.

Also, sollten das die Fragen zu den meistgesuchten Antworten mit dem Beginn "Wie kann ich..." sein, dann Nacht zusammen!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Police At Queens Blvd Court

Wünsche für 2011

Will give you the good fortune to his taste something good,

say thanks and take it out without much concern.
Every gift is welcomed, but most of all: The
what you strive to succeed you should.

(Wilhelm Busch 1832-1908)

in that sense you all a "Happy New Year!
on that 2011 be a good one for us all .....

Mom has made it very tasty fortune cookies sebst -
instead of the usual good luck charms;)

We have New Year's Eve at very dear friends - spent - no, actually it's become almost friends. At 22:00 we came home. I probably would have endured even longer. Unfortunately, I can right now go back to sleep worse and also from time to cry in the night. Therefore, the night was now very short. Hmm .... Mama should once again call my homeopath or at least with the neuro pediatrician?

Can You Get Herpes From A Jockstrap?


Da ist es, das neue Jahr. Was es bringt? I let some surprise, knowing that I can even take effect.

the Rhineland, there is the custom of Neujährchens . I love that sweet yeast dough and that is something you get definitely NOT buy a vegan version somewhere. So keep doing it themselves.

recipes from A was taken and veganisiert. That is, at the recipe here I've changed the following: butter Alsan replaced, replaced by milk and milk spelled exchanged 2 tablespoons soy flour and about 60 ml of mineral water to the eggs.

The finished pastry is coated with Alsan to get the sugar to the hold. Since I am not the delicate skills possess, to wrap dough in a ponytail, I have the tradition emulated worm - a worm that speaks to the old year and the other the new ... jaja ... And just like comment on the bake on chef, I can only say that the part has exactly the consistency, as I imagine a sweet bun and also the day after it still tastes fresh - not dry (I had some concern, that by the lack of fat - milk fat has indeed shares, the dough is somewhat dry). That will give it more often with me - even apart from the New Year! :-)

So, with this I wish you Neujährchen a good start in 2011. Health and happiness I set times on top. Success does it all by itself and must not always necessarily so desired.