~ ~ ~ the times are still small in aggregate. Sometimes the results are a bit dated - but so does nothing, only I know - that really. ;-))
But I start with the most current one. Today was my weekly organic subscription box - included: radicchio ('s too bitter), black root (because I'm unimaginative), oyster mushrooms (fungi-containing), Pak Choy (ok, I can live with) and various fruit Puh ! And then
Eva comes with great ideas around the corner. So it was with me today
dumplings (which I wanted to do forever times) with a
ragout of oyster mushrooms and oats cream . Absence of previously collected white bread I have whole wheat toast his determination übergeben, trocken geröstet und in Würfel geschnitten (100g). Das Ganze wurde mit 125ml Sojamilch übergossen, mit Salz gewürzt, mit einer halb Zwiebel (gehackt und gebraten) sowie Petersilie gemischt. Zum Binden hab ich auf Rücksicht auf die Hühnerwelt etwas Mehl dazu getan und dann das Ganze in einer Klarfolie zu einer Wurst geformt. In Alufolie noch mal verpackt und 30 Minuten in heißem Wasser gekocht.
Die Austernpilze wurden recht unaufgeregt mit Zwiebeln angebraten, mit Salz, Pfeffer und Paprika gewürzt und dann mit Hafersahne abgelöscht. Sehr fix das Ganze und sehr, sehr lecker. Danke Eva, super Idee. Das Schöne ist, dass ich für morgen noch nen halben Serviettenknödel hab und auch or oyster mushrooms. Then the slices are fried dumplings and described simply as the rest.
From my subscription of Bio-last week a white cabbage was represented. Since I do not really fit, had to go that fast and I have this really wonderful recipe for a coleslaw
opened. In addition I have me then for the first time
soy goulash made. Even a fast recipe that I had found. I must say that I - even though finished products (hello, Mother Holle) were processed - was really impressed. And yes, I believe that most of the test of
Mr. Esser Moschinski have not recognized that it is not a meat stew concerns. Not that, but the experiment has driven about me ... oh what I read here ... There will be critics before again. ;-))
Then there was a while ago, yet the next recipe on the journey through Morocco in the cookbook world food café, namely a Quarzazate-couscous. The recipe unspectacular so far in the book. But I took the photo and now it pure. ;-))) The amount of vegetables for 4 people I was once very ambitious - in the end there were at least 8 people I'm getting so tired. Fortunately, there are always willing colleagues. Either I've read the recipe wrong or have missed writing down.
Oh, and then at an output I've never seen that. At the moment it is pretty icy, slick, and I'm only short trips "daring". But a little exercise and fresh air had to be and when you will be rewarded. I'm already looking forward'm running but in view of the road holding just not unhappy that I did not "need".