Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can You Have A Pet Platypus In Tn


Just a few days ago was sitting at the computer (and still is) a bit difficult so I had little desire to write a status report. So .... my hernia is repaired. Juhuuu!

Thursday it was ready and there's really not much to report. I found funny - because we on the outward journey I was allowed to select the correct page with a pen - still made jokes about it. So the doctors have found the right bar. I would in fact nothing more to say about it, because I was unprepared already on injection of the sedative into deep sleep. The next thing I saw were festively decorated walls in the recovery room.

I've made my decision not for outpatient surgery, but am one days left in the hospital, which mEn the right decision. The pain of the first steps, etc., are already without and even if I needed any help, it was just good to know that they had been there.

Abends kam mein Bester mit einem lecker Linsensüppchen aus dem Souppresso  vorbei und im Krankenhaus gab es diesen sehr nett gefüllten Teller zum Abendessen. Juht, oder?

Seit Freitag bin ich zu Hause und die Schmerzen werden deutlich besser. Wie angekündigt, macht das normale Sitzen auf einem Stuhl die meisten Probleme, während das Gehen und Liegen seit gestern Nachmittag richtig gut ist. Niesen, Husten und Lachen unterdrücke ich, soweit es geht.

So... das war es von der Krankenfront. In ca. 2 Wochen wird dann nur noch übers Laufen geschrieben. ;-)


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