Künstliche Augen. Hoffnung für Blinde. Die künstliche Netzhaut ist in der EU registriert.
Developer implantable bionic retina already in the EU. Argus II is the miracle of technology by U.S. firm Second Sight is produced. In clinical trials Argus II lost, most patients their sight, for the first time are different capital letters are defined position of the objects in the vicinity, and in some cases, they read short words.
These results exceed the wildest expectations.
Argus II is on the European market for clinical trials that more than 30 blind patients have been carried out assumed. The safety and efficacy of the device are evaluated by an independent panel of experts. Second Sight is the first company to provide a certificate of compliance with EU directives on the device that will completely restored lost vision.
Bionic prostheses for patients with degenerative Diseases of the retina developed. Surgical implantation of a bionic prosthetic retina is first in several medical centers, including Manchester Royal London and Moorfields are carried out.
Argus II device is in the form of glasses and consists of a camera and processor.
The processor converts the optical signals in a series of electrical pulses for the dark and bright areas of the image. Wireless pulses reach the receiver is mounted directly around the eyes. Thence through the thin wire, they go on a single chip measuring 1 to 1 mm with 60 electrodes in the retina and optic nerve, that implanted.
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