Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Great Post Forty or holy days.
Lent is the highest and longest. From seven weeks before Easter. Called forty days since the last 40 days, but it occurs in the week and the sufferings of Christ, remember the past events from the life of God, especially His suffering, death and burial. Why is the Holy Week, ie week of suffering.
Lent is in memory of 40-day fast of Jesus Christ (Matt. 4:2) place, so that at this time for Christians to repentance and purification of the soul and body and therefore willing to meet with his dignity biggest Christian holiday - Easter. During the post twice
allow fish - the Annunciation (when not fall during Holy Week) and Palm Sunday. stop after Sunday Mesopustna to eat meat, then Sunday Siropusna - and dairy products and fish, and the post continues:
* First week Monday through Saturday - strict fast
(Vegetable food without oil and wine) on Saturday (Theodore) take the Holy Communion.
Second week Wednesday and Friday - a strict fast.
Weekends - oil and wine. The proclamation is authorized and fish.
third week (Krastopoklonna) Monday to Friday - Strict fast.
Weekends - oil and wine.
Fourth week Fifth week as the second
as second
Since the second 6 weeks on Saturday (Palm Sunday) - fish, eggs or other invertebrates.
Holy Week from Monday to Saturday - strict fast. If health permits, is Good Friday Do not eat anything, and water.
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