~ ~ I am a lucky ~ ~
Die Woche hängt mir in den Knochen. Deutlich zu wenig Schlaf für meinen Körper und meinen Geist. Und dann "soll" ich auch noch laufen? Wozu? Ist ja eh der erste Lauf diese Woche und nur für die 4-5 km den geschundenen Körper noch quälen?
Ach, das Wetter ist doch so toll. Es hat gefroren und der Himmel ist blau, komm pack die Laufhose und geh raus.
Nöö... ich geh nur zum Bäcker und hol Brötchen, das reicht heute.
Quatsch, Du weißt doch genau, wie gut Du Dich nach dem Lauf fühlst.
Wer kennt diese inneren Unterhaltungen nicht. Als ich mit Mütze bewaffnet auf die Straße gehe, laufe ich am Haus der nettesten aller Nachbarn vorbei, die gestern die Tür-an-Tür-Situation verlassen but far from recovered new. I see him with a child standing at the window, waving to us, how nice.
crashing Shortly thereafter, I meet another runner a good morning, what end is that they accompanied me on my lap. A strange woman, whose name I also do not know now, and we talk on the short 4km from the village, the Christmas market, running tracks, and racing as a whole.
A beautiful morning for a great day determined. And what can I say, that's against my Nix yesterday evening. But that was so great that you can not describe it. If I would paint friends, I would paint it exactly this way. What am I for a lucky child.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Urinating Lots And Pain In Lower Abdomen
Born to l. ... ~ ~
Krrrrrrrk, krrrrrrrk, krrrrrrrk ... 5.00 clock in the morning ... I lie awake and hear that sound. Music to my ears. Ok, the one who scratched his car just as free, the place is not nice but I probably know what to expect.
Some are driven on the road to run the animal, as the mistress of this still very tired-looking Border Collie, who had great fun, the Frisbee slice return.
A perfect start to the day. 5km and seen so much.
Krrrrrrrk, krrrrrrrk, krrrrrrrk ... 5.00 clock in the morning ... I lie awake and hear that sound. Music to my ears. Ok, the one who scratched his car just as free, the place is not nice but I probably know what to expect.
It has frozen, and that well and the promise at sunrise, a wonderful atmosphere, I am not disappointed.
The cap for the first time over the ears, the fleece jacket with buttoned gloves, the fresh air ... it is a dream.
an industrial city rises in the distance.
exhales Father Rhine and the haze wafts over the water.
Some are driven on the road to run the animal, as the mistress of this still very tired-looking Border Collie, who had great fun, the Frisbee slice return.
A perfect start to the day. 5km and seen so much.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Message From Couple Wedding Program
all-out must-Day ~ ~ Short
The theme week on food and nutrition among others has shown me that I have in the food waste of real development potential. ;-))
I was really sensitive and when it came to the issue before dates and opening dates of food and have it disposed of precaution, even if there is nothing to recognize evil.
The stop now, I'm careful with the food at my disposal. But this is often easier said than done. I'm not home every day to cook. Sometimes I'm a few days on the road and it lacks the energy to look after me very well the fridge. Now I have decided to once a week to make one all-shall-out tag. Since that is cooked, what has to go.
So there was me yesterday Lupinengeschnetzeltes (which was 15 days past the expiration date) with red pepper cream sauce (the oat cream already 2 weeks was open). And potatoes. It was super delicious, I'm still alive and I'm of course the products considered previously. Taste and appearance were 1a in order.
for the photo I was too greedy and have eaten everything afloat. That would have been really worth it. I have that is a little tomato sauce (I had also not yet known) and cider (which I had the jam-cooking still on) made to the sauce. Well seasoned and it was really delicious. We'll see what I encountered on trade an extent.
Friday is my all-be-out-day!
The theme week on food and nutrition among others has shown me that I have in the food waste of real development potential. ;-))
I was really sensitive and when it came to the issue before dates and opening dates of food and have it disposed of precaution, even if there is nothing to recognize evil.
The stop now, I'm careful with the food at my disposal. But this is often easier said than done. I'm not home every day to cook. Sometimes I'm a few days on the road and it lacks the energy to look after me very well the fridge. Now I have decided to once a week to make one all-shall-out tag. Since that is cooked, what has to go.
So there was me yesterday Lupinengeschnetzeltes (which was 15 days past the expiration date) with red pepper cream sauce (the oat cream already 2 weeks was open). And potatoes. It was super delicious, I'm still alive and I'm of course the products considered previously. Taste and appearance were 1a in order.
for the photo I was too greedy and have eaten everything afloat. That would have been really worth it. I have that is a little tomato sauce (I had also not yet known) and cider (which I had the jam-cooking still on) made to the sauce. Well seasoned and it was really delicious. We'll see what I encountered on trade an extent.
Friday is my all-be-out-day!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Nys Driver's License, Temp Visitor
Stipvisite in South India ~ ~
As announced here, I will be by-the-book-cooking ever need to change the route. I had cabbage in a basket, which would be processed. The recipes in this book was so ordinary that I could think of really no particular taste. I should know better.
It was just ginger and chilli and curry (actually, curry leaves, which I had not) fried, then black mustard seed with turmeric - the cabbage cut you off with pure and Leave to cook. Then grated coconut, sugar and salt. Sounds easy, it was. But the taste was mistaken.
next week I'm traveling a lot, I never imagined the practical pita pockets bought, which I fill in for the first day always enjoyed as food. 4 pieces in the pack, that's too much for one day. Thus, today toasted the coal and watts can I say? I'm filled with the cabbage and was blown away. So simple and so delicious. I'm thrilled.
As announced here, I will be by-the-book-cooking ever need to change the route. I had cabbage in a basket, which would be processed. The recipes in this book was so ordinary that I could think of really no particular taste. I should know better.
next week I'm traveling a lot, I never imagined the practical pita pockets bought, which I fill in for the first day always enjoyed as food. 4 pieces in the pack, that's too much for one day. Thus, today toasted the coal and watts can I say? I'm filled with the cabbage and was blown away. So simple and so delicious. I'm thrilled.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hoyt Competition Bows
And they are still running! ~ ~
I'm off (relatively) spontaneously went to the Troisdorf 6-hour run . Were there times but the opportunity to know personally Martin learn. The chance you have to use if you are already "know" so many years. And this woman monster was still there, the Steffen and Melanie I've seen just learned to know and fortunately short-Peter (aka Miatara). Hach, fine as.
an hour I'm there in the stands as one of the few spectators held out as the runners make their rounds when rain began for the 6 hours. Then I was brought along in spite of 15 ° and total tea in the face of the wrench by freezing weather and have taken flight - contact your runners, it forgives me. ;-))
If the weather I've encountered on the way back in Cologne, be moved to Troisdorf, I would like to express my sympathy. Ugh how nasty.
I'm anxious to see your heroes reports and find the idea really interesting that you now have to run for 3 hours while I went back already, I made lunch and the blog you posted. Astray.
I'm off (relatively) spontaneously went to the Troisdorf 6-hour run . Were there times but the opportunity to know personally Martin learn. The chance you have to use if you are already "know" so many years. And this woman monster was still there, the Steffen and Melanie I've seen just learned to know and fortunately short-Peter (aka Miatara). Hach, fine as.
an hour I'm there in the stands as one of the few spectators held out as the runners make their rounds when rain began for the 6 hours. Then I was brought along in spite of 15 ° and total tea in the face of the wrench by freezing weather and have taken flight - contact your runners, it forgives me. ;-))
If the weather I've encountered on the way back in Cologne, be moved to Troisdorf, I would like to express my sympathy. Ugh how nasty.
I'm anxious to see your heroes reports and find the idea really interesting that you now have to run for 3 hours while I went back already, I made lunch and the blog you posted. Astray.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Pain Behind Bellybutton After C Section
New Cookbook ~ ~
I gebs, I'm addicted to cookbooks and I have also always more than I actually "boil" can. A few months ago I got the most conventional cookbooks sold, because I needed room for new ones on the shelf. I give really hard not to strike too often. But letztlich hab ich wieder eins erstanden und vermute, dass sich das aber mal so richtig lohnt. Das Buch heiß world food café und ist von Besitzern eines gleichnamigen vegetarischen Restaurants in London geschrieben worden (ich bin nicht verwandt und nicht verschwägert und bekomme keinen Tantiemen).
Neben einer wunderbaren Auswahl an Rezepten gibt es zu jedem eine kleine Geschichte/einen Hinweis auf die Herkunft des Rezeptes und wunderbare Fotos sowohl vom Essen als auch vom Herkunftsland. Alles in allem ein Genuss. Ich hab bereits mehrere Rezepte des Buchs ausprobiert und fand alle bisher sehr lecker.
Nun hab ich beschlossen, das Buch der Reihe nach zu kochen - mal schauen, wie lange es klappt. Ich muss und möchte course, regardless of my weekly vegetable box take to cook seasonally to. Ok, then I will run containing a bit.
Yesterday was cooked a harira soup . This soup is very common in the Arab world is, markets cooked in large pots and happy to be taken to court as the first Ramadan fast-breaking.
all ingredients are normally available from us, and issued a spicy, slightly sharp, a filling soup came with lots of protein (lentils / chick peas / beans). I have the full recipe, cooked two colleagues at the office with me and fed frozen two portions for emergencies. Well, the plan was not but I have my time required for cooking and misjudged to mittwöchlichen vegetable crate must be away everything. was
So, today (again for 6 people) a cooked Marrakesh tajine (You see, I'm still ;-)), in Morocco on the way to now been divided up for the morning office supply from me and my colleagues waiting - tomorrow evening and again tomorrow and will probably stay like something else. ;-)) Mixed vegetables with turmeric, cinnamon, Kreukümmel cooked, flavored with raisins, apricots, olives - to couscous ... I'm thrilled. So it can go.
Ach ja, das Buch geht über die unterschiedlichsten Länder, ich muss mich jetzt also erstmal durch den nahen Osten und Afrika kochen.
I gebs, I'm addicted to cookbooks and I have also always more than I actually "boil" can. A few months ago I got the most conventional cookbooks sold, because I needed room for new ones on the shelf. I give really hard not to strike too often. But letztlich hab ich wieder eins erstanden und vermute, dass sich das aber mal so richtig lohnt. Das Buch heiß world food café und ist von Besitzern eines gleichnamigen vegetarischen Restaurants in London geschrieben worden (ich bin nicht verwandt und nicht verschwägert und bekomme keinen Tantiemen).
Neben einer wunderbaren Auswahl an Rezepten gibt es zu jedem eine kleine Geschichte/einen Hinweis auf die Herkunft des Rezeptes und wunderbare Fotos sowohl vom Essen als auch vom Herkunftsland. Alles in allem ein Genuss. Ich hab bereits mehrere Rezepte des Buchs ausprobiert und fand alle bisher sehr lecker.
Nun hab ich beschlossen, das Buch der Reihe nach zu kochen - mal schauen, wie lange es klappt. Ich muss und möchte course, regardless of my weekly vegetable box take to cook seasonally to. Ok, then I will run containing a bit.
Yesterday was cooked a harira soup . This soup is very common in the Arab world is, markets cooked in large pots and happy to be taken to court as the first Ramadan fast-breaking.
all ingredients are normally available from us, and issued a spicy, slightly sharp, a filling soup came with lots of protein (lentils / chick peas / beans). I have the full recipe, cooked two colleagues at the office with me and fed frozen two portions for emergencies. Well, the plan was not but I have my time required for cooking and misjudged to mittwöchlichen vegetable crate must be away everything. was
So, today (again for 6 people) a cooked Marrakesh tajine (You see, I'm still ;-)), in Morocco on the way to now been divided up for the morning office supply from me and my colleagues waiting - tomorrow evening and again tomorrow and will probably stay like something else. ;-)) Mixed vegetables with turmeric, cinnamon, Kreukümmel cooked, flavored with raisins, apricots, olives - to couscous ... I'm thrilled. So it can go.
Ach ja, das Buch geht über die unterschiedlichsten Länder, ich muss mich jetzt also erstmal durch den nahen Osten und Afrika kochen.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Labeling Parts Of Ships
gyros and sesame sauce ~
Speziell für Lizzy und die Gelüste: Hier mal wieder Lupinen, immer wieder gerne gezeigt. Dazu hab ich mir ein Fladenbrot aus verschiedenen Mehlen frisch gebacken (und ärgerlicherweise das Salz vergessen... ist ganz übel). Da ich aus meinem Kühlschrank handeln musste, weil das gezielte Einkaufen nicht möglich war, gab es keine Joghurtsauce sondern eine Sauce aus Tahin, Knoblauch, Gewürzen und etwas Wasser zum verflüssigen. War lecker... aber das Salz... das wär es noch gewesen. ;-)
Speziell für Lizzy und die Gelüste: Hier mal wieder Lupinen, immer wieder gerne gezeigt. Dazu hab ich mir ein Fladenbrot aus verschiedenen Mehlen frisch gebacken (und ärgerlicherweise das Salz vergessen... ist ganz übel). Da ich aus meinem Kühlschrank handeln musste, weil das gezielte Einkaufen nicht möglich war, gab es keine Joghurtsauce sondern eine Sauce aus Tahin, Knoblauch, Gewürzen und etwas Wasser zum verflüssigen. War lecker... aber das Salz... das wär es noch gewesen. ;-)
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