Monday, February 28, 2011

18th Birthday Invitation Wording Ideas

Splint3r stunt flying in the meadow

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Does Leukemia Affect The Liver?

Wasn 'going on? ~ ~ Slow

2 Wochen kein Eintrag - ich koche, ich laufe, ich reise... alles wie immer halt.

Es fehlt noch ein Eintrag von einem wunderbaren WE in Hamburg - das wird nachgereicht.

Ansonsten bereite ich mich geistig und in Produkten so langsam auf den Karneval vor. Iss ja nicht mehr lang und alles muss vorbereitet sein. Ich hab das Glück, dass eine Freundin sich schon frühzeitig um Einiges gekümmert hat, ansonsten wäre ich jetzt schwer im Stress. Daaanke Biggi!!!

look Even today, what is there to eat on the two days - hearty food and sweets - in any case, enough of everything. Morning shopping ever most things and start Wednesday night with the cooking.

My run this morning in a modest little weather was walking towards a nearby train station. There I had last night left my car to his fate, because it is shouted in the town with the unpronounceable name and in one with Helau was something to celebrate. Train travel makes you think but because I did not go on it now closer to one. As my friend flat for several days now with the flu and is still not fully recovered, I would not ask him to me to ride the station but have decided to pick up the car then running today. Adapted from a distance quite well. If I had something better Bet report had in mind, I would have put dry clothes in the car. I was frozen quite nice when I got home.

Well, no longer exists. I will hide myself in the same cellar, bring out the last carnival supplies and aufhübschen and then go off. I am happy.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where To Buy Small Pet Tortoises

Splint3r: very sunny but sauwindig

Since it was very very windy, the pictures are unfortunately a bit blurred and distorted, but I work and s parameters.

Fido Sim Message Center

ViP3R: motor cables and control surfaces are ready

The last few days I've done.

I once put some money in hand and bought silicone cables and ball bearings and LEDs.
The Silicon cable is wonderfully flexible and I've refined the wiring harness.
The leads of the ESCs to the motors on the boom are now finished.

A major issue is the back Boom.
Here is indeed a power to the rear of the engine swings and I also had some problems in the past. In
Splint3r I first worked with a servo in the center, which was very cumbersome and not very easy to maintain.
why I have moved the servo arm to the back and steer the rear end of a servo horn. The only problem is the storage of the movable part. So far I have used this 8mm carbon tube in which a 6 mm carbon tube rotates. The also do quite well, but not without friction. So I wanted to work with camps.

axle bearings with snap ring and 5mm/8mm

Leider bin ich dabei in eienr Sackgasse stecken geblieben, ich konnte die Achse nicht spielfrei im ausleger fixieren,  und bin wieder zurück auf mein altes Konzept mit dem Carbonrohr, da dies für die Fixierung im Ausleger einfach das Beste war.

Dabei raus gekommen ist Folgendes:

Im Vergleich zu Splint3r ist der Anschluss für das Servohorn nun direkt am Trägerplastik und ich brauche keinen Aluhebel mehr. Außerdem sit das ganze leichter to change than before and faster.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ejacuating Into Women

Reha genehmigt!!!

 uff..... das war diesmal ein langer, steiniger Weg. 

Nachdem wir den letzen Rehabilitationsaufenthalt bei Kids Chance in Bad Radkersburg leider cancel because of my feeding program and the PEG-OP had, but now it was again time to a recent rehab stay will think.

long time we thought about, where to go's. Kids chance we already love and trust - I always get new input and the therapists are fond of such things!

have Nonetheless, my parents decided now enrolling myself in the hospital Judendorf / Rhinestone Angel . Simply because my spasticity is getting stronger in my legs, I have hip dysplasia and it therefore makes more sense to us all this time for four weeks for rehab to drive. The hospital I watched with mom and grandma already in summer 2010. Judendorf / rhinestone angel Kinderlokomat and Motomed for intensive physiotherapy. This all sounds like a lot of hard work for me .....

After the WO has been clarified, it went to the financing. Unfortunately we have received from the health insurance rejection. With the terse justification Niklas can not drive "constantly" in rehab. We will stop again apply for next year - then it will work again .... My parents were incredibly disappointed. Now that I'm still good through the PEG tube had risen in importance and power above all the time but seems ideal.

why we have been looking at the District Commission. Lo and behold, after a good, upbeat conversation and a little waiting period we received yesterday the confirmation of the fixed costs over! The date we had already fixed since late 2010. On Shrove Tuesday, the 08th March is going on for exactly four weeks. Is not be long - the tension is rising - the expectations and ...... let's see what awaits us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rasputin Vodkawhere Can I Buy Some

ViP3R: Are Center Plate and harness ready

Yesterday I assembled the painted housing for the first time and it looks really very good, especially the contrast of silver / black is really pretty.

Then I got the power distributor of battery soldered to the ESCs and places the ESCs.

A new carbon fiber plate for supporting the I ² C converter is ordered and replaced the ugly plywood.

Heute werde ich im Hobbyladen hochflexibles Silikonkabel für die Verbindung von ESC zu den Motoren kaufen und dann die restlichen Verkabelungen vornehmen

- Verkabelung LED
- Verkabelung ESC -> Motor
- Stromversorgung TRIguide
- Umlöten Steckverbinder I²C2PWM
- Akkuanschlussstecker kaufen
- neuen Empfänger organisieren, der Summensignal kann.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Herpesoutbreaks On Stomache

chassis ready for ViP3R

Gestern habe ich die letzten Teile des GFK Chassis für Viper schwarz glänzend lackiert.
Sieht super aus...

Heute wird es zusammengebaut and final clarity in the layout of the electronics are covered.

Now I need ball bearings for the rear.

Gilligan's Island Theme Party Invitation

Splint3r painted in unimaginable heights

The GoPro on board were at the dog park behind our house some beautiful aerial photography.
It was to make a strange feeling as a lot of money to fly at such height.
But it is all gone well.

Homicidal Maniac Games

Geburtstag im Kindergarten

My birthday is indeed quite a little while ago, but I celebrate this day:)

Namely in kindergarten. We had vacation last week -. Therefore, the celebration was postponed to today

I have it clearly enjoyed that today, once I was the main person.
right As a Royal Birthday. And the crown I have some time left for the head. Despite all predictions - because in the early betting has been made, how long can I'll probably top .....
Mama has a big Sackerl fully brought with fruit for us. That was the snack.

Und dann gabs noch ein ganz tolles Geburtstagsständchen für mich.

Was für ein schöner Tag!!! Aber nach dieser ganzen Aufregung war ein Mittagsschläfchen unbedingt notwendig.

Bugatti Veyron Engine How It Works


Leben ist das, was passiert,
während du eifrig dabei bist,
andere Pläne zu machen.
John Lennon

 und das macht Leben doch eigentlich aus.....
Elisabeth , ihr seid eine ganz tolle Familie - lasst euch nicht unterkriegen!

Miniature Septic System

Splint3r: First correct flight outside

This has ja schon ganz gut geklappt, einmal habe ich fast die Kontrolle verloren, aber mit etwas durchatmend gings wieder, die Schübe sind übrigens nur bei 2/3 Gas, da ist noch Luft nach oben.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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experience during prototyping

Beim Bau von SPLINT3R habe ich einige wertvolle Erfahrungen gemacht:

Meine Lösung den Servo ins Center zu legen ist zwar schick, aber nicht sonderlich wartungsfreundlich. Darum sit der servo jetzt in den Ausleger gewandert.

Servo im Center

Kupplung zur Servoachse

servo solution new

plywood legs should be thick enough to make them fall in rough landings but also ncith too high otherwise tilts the Tricopter to light.

When soldering, you should carefully vorgehenm forgotten Zinnflecken can be fatal, especially in the IMU.

Accurate work paid off: When drilling holes measure exactly, you're fine after all.

The length of a 40MHz antenna is not arbitrary, it applies the following formula:

Lambda (w) = Lichtgeschwindigkeit (c) / Frequenzband (f)

c = Lichtgeschwindigkeit = 299.792 km/sek = 299972
f = Frequenz = 40 MHz (40 MHz Empfänger und 40 MHz Fernbedienung)
w = Lambda = Wellenlänge in mm (Dementsprechend die Antennenlänge !)

Also: w = c / f  
w = 299792 / 40 = 7494,8 = 7,5m

Diese Länge ist relativ unrealistisch, daher kann man die erechnete Länge durch gerade Zahlen Teilen, z.B. 32.

Das ergibt dann realistische Längen.

Auch die ersten Flugversuche zeigten mir Dinge, die ich verbessern kann. Die Halterung der Kamera ist jetzt vorne anstatt oben, nach dem ersten Crash habe ich das Layout des Centers geändert um leicher an den Akku zu kommen und um die Elektronik zu schützen.

Following a fatal incident with a gyro, which was fortunately the reflow oven are fixed this now thinner, more flexible cable.

would After these experiences and the first flights I go so far as to SPLINT3R was a great success as a prototype.
exception of one incident, I am sure that all is now right and I make myself now to the construction of ViP3R, this will optimize I put all the experience and the whole look and weight.

Fertiger Prototyp Splint3r

Kamerahalterung für die Weitwinkelkamera

Primary School Games Dune Buggy

Why a tail servo

Hubschrauber im Allgemeinen haben ein Problem : Drehmoment.

Hätte ein Hubschrauber keinen Heckrotor würde sich die Gondel unter dem Rotor wegdrehen und der Pilot würde ziemlich schnell das Cockpit vollkotzen.

Why did but now not a Tricopter a rear servo and a Quadro or Hexacopter?

a Quadro or Hexacopter has an even number of rotors, the Quadrocpter can explain this well:

A rotor wants to rotate clockwise produces an opposing moment, the flying object on the rotor counter-clockwise turn, a second rotor, which rotates towards the first lift to this torque, so the system would be seen ideal torque. A Quadrocopter has two rotors and two anti-clockwise with a Hexacopter three, etc. In a

Tricopter this is how it not, it's always a rotor too much.
The two front rotors turn now that is opposite and the rear falls out of line, thus turning the Tricopter, contrary to the direction of the rear rotor tilts to the rear rotor now so that it is this movement opposes stands still the whole thing until you have more gas and thus he will still be standing still has the tail be dynamically tilted to adapt to any pace.

is Now the question why a Quadrocopter can rotate at all.

This works by the resulting torque makes use, you just take a little push from a walk and already there is an imbalance and the result is a rotation in the respective opposite direction of rotation of this motor is so

The Tricopter exactly why also much more agile than a Quadrocpter, the rotation is only about power and it does not push all the rotors are regulated, but only the rear has to adapt to the particular angle. This makes possible very agile maneuvers, as demonstrated here Willa impressive.

fact, one can see during the flight as the servo does its work and constantly adjusts.

You might incidentally also solve the problem by subjecting each rotor has a counter installed, but reduces the efficiency of a rotor, and it takes six engines.

This elegant solution is called Y-Copter.

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from I ² C to PWM through the ESC to the motor

has to be flexible as Willa I ² C output der Steuerung gewählt.
Da I²C ein Bussignal mit Adressierung sit, kann man theoretisch so viele Motoren anschließen wie man will.
Es gibt in  Willa's Software schon Optionen für Quadrocopter, Hexacopter, und Y-Copter.

Das Problem ist nur, dass die wenigsten Motorkontroller diese Sprache verstehen, also muss ein Übersetzer her.
Willa hat dafür Platinen entwickelt die über Jumper parametriert werden, und mit hilfe eines ATMegas das I²C Signal in ein Signal mit Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) umrechnen. An diese Platinen werden wiederum die Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) angeschlossen.

Die ESC machen nun aus der Batteriespannung und dem PWM Signal am Eingang ein to control three-phase signal to the electric motors, namely the need to produce a rotating voltage in three phases to a rotating magnetic field.

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TRIguide - The brain

The so-called TRIguide is developed by William, on the basis of an Arduino board, which compares the input values of the spark with the measured values of the IMU and control processes it to calculate control signals for the motors.

Willa was initially designed with a larger Formfaktpr TRIguide board, but this dimension for his Minitricopter and implemented in SMD, exactly this I built, that was easier than I thought.
My colleague, Sven The board has further optimized and then we have something they can be prepared from a platinum exposure service.

on the board have everything you need:
- Power
- input for receiver
- opening for the servo
- Outputs for motors as I ² C Bus
- outputs for status LED (charging status and control condition)
- 12V/5V Connector for LED etc.
- USB connection for programming and configuration tool by Willa's Trigui
- Connection for the IMU

After I loaded it it worked right away (not that I would have expected).

SMD soldering is easier than you think.

Can You Cook Sausage Rolls The Night Before?

The IMU cube

is unlike a helicopter, which is indeed under the rotor is a Tricopter not a stable position and there would be an ass full of work to regulate the rotors continuously to the Tricopter remains straight in the air, in other words,

That's impossible!

So the part about flying at all, there is the IMU.
An IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) is there, the location and capture it Bewegungend Tricopters in space.

Our IMU consists of three gyroscopes and accelerometers.
A gyroscope can detect a rotation, which is expressed as angular acceleration.
An acceleration sensor Earth's gravity, which is indeed an acceleration, and thus recognizes and left. This
4 sensors are arranged as a cube, so that each gyroscope one spatial direction (pitch, yaw, roll) is detected and the acceleration sensor also acquired the inclination.

The gyros can now see the spin in any direction and know the position sensor, such as the Tricopter is just in the air.

The Steuuerung compares these values \u200b\u200bwith the commands of the remote and unresponsive.

Rotates the Tricopter now as not in any direction and komt of the spark that command, he governs from, etc. Thus, the system is stabilized almost perfectly - just because a Tricopter stable position Sun

I use the ADXR Sparkfun than 610 of Gyro, which provide 300 ° / s, and an ADXL322 accelerometer.

In this video you can see very beautiful, like the twisting of the cube in different directions evaluated in the software:

The IMU is connected to the control board developed by William TRIguide.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Best Brands Of Concealer

F1rst Post

what this blog is actually ViP3R, my second Tricopter, but first I will tell the story of Splint3r, my first Tricopter.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a Tricopter I have of my colleague and good friend Sven, built according to the misglücktem Quadrocopter a Tricopter following the example of William Thielicke .

The agility and the flight behavior of the Shrediquette looking at the scene to none.

mid-November 2010, I then ordered the first parts, I mid-December a four-week New Zealand had planned holiday I had to hurry.

orders Reichelt, Watterott Hobyking wobbled and by and by, and William himself gave me boards fitted and I was constantly with advice and practical help, because he built for his simultaneously held a holiday Cameroon Hexacopter.
On 1 December were the final parts of China and the assembly could begin

day and night I soldered, screwed, sawed and wired and on the evening of 10:12, I flew for the first time, unfortunately, more bad than good. ..
Unfortunately I was unable to leave the Tricopter get done, I had known what else was wrong, I would not be such a hurry.

Although I have no experience with soldering of circuit boards, especially with SMT circuit boards, everything went very well. Splint3r relatively quickly took shape. Unfortunately, I had made some mistakes:

I had two important jumpers on the I ² C2PWM made converters so that they were running on 40Hz and the scheme was therefore too slow. This I have noticed after the holiday. Four weeks later, it went so on, were beyond the control of HK Super Simple low for TRIguide, the flying was actually impossible.

But further developments and details in the next post.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Foundations Kate Nash Sheets Free

8948 Kilometer....

... das ist von hier bis nach Kuba,
... oder bis Japan
... oder Indonesien -
das ist sogar ein paar Kilometer weniger weit weg...

8948 Kilometer das ist auch die Strecke, die ich im Jahr 2010 nachweislich im Auto gesessen bin. Den Grossteil davon mit Mama. Nicht spaßhalber sondern weil ich zur Therapie gefahren bin, oder zu einem Arzt, auf Reha oder in ein Krankenhaus. Das ist eine ordentliche Strecke. Eigentlich wäre Kuba schöner meinte heute Papa. 

Warum We know the mileage as accurately? Because Mom is sitting at the tax return for last year and twice had to see if this is really true. A lot of paperwork dry - and yet it brings a portion of our expenses back. The annual tax assessment.
Sun, but now search continues with documentation, write, add up ....
I may, of course, asleep at the time.