Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ejacuating Into Women

Reha genehmigt!!!

 uff..... das war diesmal ein langer, steiniger Weg. 

Nachdem wir den letzen Rehabilitationsaufenthalt bei Kids Chance in Bad Radkersburg leider cancel because of my feeding program and the PEG-OP had, but now it was again time to a recent rehab stay will think.

long time we thought about, where to go's. Kids chance we already love and trust - I always get new input and the therapists are fond of such things!

have Nonetheless, my parents decided now enrolling myself in the hospital Judendorf / Rhinestone Angel . Simply because my spasticity is getting stronger in my legs, I have hip dysplasia and it therefore makes more sense to us all this time for four weeks for rehab to drive. The hospital I watched with mom and grandma already in summer 2010. Judendorf / rhinestone angel Kinderlokomat and Motomed for intensive physiotherapy. This all sounds like a lot of hard work for me .....

After the WO has been clarified, it went to the financing. Unfortunately we have received from the health insurance rejection. With the terse justification Niklas can not drive "constantly" in rehab. We will stop again apply for next year - then it will work again .... My parents were incredibly disappointed. Now that I'm still good through the PEG tube had risen in importance and power above all the time but seems ideal.

why we have been looking at the District Commission. Lo and behold, after a good, upbeat conversation and a little waiting period we received yesterday the confirmation of the fixed costs over! The date we had already fixed since late 2010. On Shrove Tuesday, the 08th March is going on for exactly four weeks. Is not be long - the tension is rising - the expectations and ...... let's see what awaits us.


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