Why a tail servo
Hubschrauber im Allgemeinen haben ein Problem : Drehmoment.
Hätte ein Hubschrauber keinen Heckrotor würde sich die Gondel unter dem Rotor wegdrehen und der Pilot würde ziemlich schnell das Cockpit vollkotzen.
Why did but now not a Tricopter a rear servo and a Quadro or Hexacopter?
a Quadro or Hexacopter has an even number of rotors, the Quadrocpter can explain this well:
A rotor wants to rotate clockwise produces an opposing moment, the flying object on the rotor counter-clockwise turn, a second rotor, which rotates towards the first lift to this torque, so the system would be seen ideal torque. A Quadrocopter has two rotors and two anti-clockwise with a Hexacopter three, etc. In a
Tricopter this is how it not, it's always a rotor too much.
The two front rotors turn now that is opposite and the rear falls out of line, thus turning the Tricopter, contrary to the direction of the rear rotor tilts to the rear rotor now so that it is this movement opposes stands still the whole thing until you have more gas and thus he will still be standing still has the tail be dynamically tilted to adapt to any pace.
is Now the question why a Quadrocopter can rotate at all.
This works by the resulting torque makes use, you just take a little push from a walk and already there is an imbalance and the result is a rotation in the respective opposite direction of rotation of this motor is so
The Tricopter exactly why also much more agile than a Quadrocpter, the rotation is only about power and it does not push all the rotors are regulated, but only the rear has to adapt to the particular angle. This makes possible very agile maneuvers, as demonstrated here Willa impressive.
fact, one can see during the flight as the servo does its work and constantly adjusts.
You might incidentally also solve the problem by subjecting each rotor has a counter installed, but reduces the efficiency of a rotor, and it takes six engines.
This elegant solution is called Y-Copter.
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