It can never hurt to broaden your horizons. I remembered the title but in front of the background that I can expand my running routes slightly. So I am yesterday ran a route that I've long since seen. Past a lock and a duck pond, whose existence is assumed here so do not work between all industry matters.
Last week I got me my vegetable basket ordered a few varieties of potatoes, which I did not know. It was among others the Blue Salad . The potato was with me in salads and in Currys verarbeitet und weil ich dachte, dass es mal ne andere Farbgebung ist, sind sie heute als Kartoffelplätzchen/Reibekuchen in der Pfanne gelandet. Dazu gab es eine Topinambur suppe "hot", weil das Näschen ein bisschen schnupft und Hitze von Innen nicht schaden kann.
Topinambursuppe für 2 Personen oder wie bekomme ich den Schnupfen weg?
- 350g Topinambur
- 4 mittlere Kartoffeln
- 50g Sellerie
- 1 Zwiebel
- 2 Karotten
- 3cm Ingwer
- 1 geh. TL Curry
- 1 geh. TL Kurkuma
- 1 geh. Teaspoon paprika 1
- geh
- tsp coriander 1 / 4 teaspoon chili powder
- about 600ml vegetable stock
- about 50ml olive oil, oat cream
- parsley
made-for Kartoffel-/Möhrenpuffer 2 people
- Blue Salad 500g potatoes 4 carrots
- 1 / 2 onion, diced 3-4 tbsp flour
- something (mineral) water salt
- plenty of olive oil
, carrots and coarsely grate clean also. Dice the onion. Everything with flour (or egg substitute) Mix and add some water, creating a bond. The fry 1 good tablespoon of the mass in oil 5 minutes on each side of hot. Ready wonderful potato pancakes can be kept warm in the oven. It hurts but not when they do not eat quite as hot. :-)
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