Wasn 'going on? ~ ~ Slow
2 Wochen kein Eintrag - ich koche, ich laufe, ich reise... alles wie immer halt.
Es fehlt noch ein Eintrag von einem wunderbaren WE in Hamburg - das wird nachgereicht.
Ansonsten bereite ich mich geistig und in Produkten so langsam auf den Karneval vor. Iss ja nicht mehr lang und alles muss vorbereitet sein. Ich hab das Glück, dass eine Freundin sich schon frühzeitig um Einiges gekümmert hat, ansonsten wäre ich jetzt schwer im Stress. Daaanke Biggi!!!
look Even today, what is there to eat on the two days - hearty food and sweets - in any case, enough of everything. Morning shopping ever most things and start Wednesday night with the cooking.
My run this morning in a modest little weather was walking towards a nearby train station. There I had last night left my car to his fate, because it is shouted in the town with the unpronounceable name and in one with Helau was something to celebrate. Train travel makes you think but because I did not go on it now closer to one. As my friend flat for several days now with the flu and is still not fully recovered, I would not ask him to me to ride the station but have decided to pick up the car then running today. Adapted from a distance quite well. If I had something better Bet report had in mind, I would have put dry clothes in the car. I was frozen quite nice when I got home.
Well, no longer exists. I will hide myself in the same cellar, bring out the last carnival supplies and aufhübschen and then go off. I am happy.
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