Sunday, February 13, 2011

Water In Toilet Bowl Disappears

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I did this in my previous life skiers learned you must be able to run but slowly. Ok, normal speed (I always commute to 6.30 min / km) that is slow for others - but I want to discipline me, also a Lauf in der Woche richtig langsam zu machen. Versuch 1 war dann heute. Mit einem Schnitt von 6.56 ist es mir ein wenig aber noch nicht ganz gelungen. :-)

Nehme ich die Kamera mit? Ach... immer die gleichen Sonnenaufgangsbilder ... ach, sie stört ja auch nicht. Und dann war ich doch froh darum.

Erstmal der Dunst in den Rheinauen.

Dann tatsächlich der Sonnenaufgang.

Und dann machte ich eine Entdeckung, die mich belustigte. Auf dem Weg, der leicht vom Schlamm (Hochwasser oder Regen) bedeckt war, there were "lanes" of earthworms and that a whole lot. I am always amused magnificent over such little things - I mentioned in previous years schonmal so that when I run my environment significantly increased perceive. In addition to the worm traces can be seen. They must have been quite the night gas. :-) Led

My route me through the expansion of the neighboring village with beautiful old half-timbered houses.
old Right.

And on the field I found the first signs of spring - but timid after all.

And then I found the wedding balloon and will send the card back. Very far it has not come but I hope to be able to give pleasure. As a greeting for the bride and groom on the menu "Greetings from xxx I hope there are cigarettes, Ole." - obviously other priorities than running in the morning.

As a reward, then wait for breakfast for me - fried potatoes with smoked tofu. Tasty and I 'm hungry again.


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